
Otorhinolaryngology is the medical specialty that focuses on disorders in the ear, nose, throat (ENT) and the head and neck. It encompasses wide range of disorders, including hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech language, and swallowing.

Subspecialty Services

  • Rhinopharyngology (nose, sinuses, throat).
  • Bronchoesophagology (upper aerodigestive tract).
  • Head and neck tumors.
  • Plastic,reconstructive and maxillofacial trauma.


An audiometry evaluation is a painless, noninvasive hearing test that measures a person's ability to hear different sounds, pitches, or frequencies.  Results of audiometric tests are used to diagnose hearing loss or diseases of the ear, and often make use.
Degrees of hearing loss


Ear Nose and Throat Exam

Examination of ear nose and throat (using up to date endoscopic as well as microscopic examinations).
Examination of Ear is vital in assessment of the hearing as well as the appearance of the ear which also includes:


ENT related surgeries

The purpose of surgery to the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck is to treat an abnormality (defect or disease) in these anatomical areas.


Plastic Surgery for nose

(More commonly referred to as a nose job) is a surgical procedure that reshapes or resizes the nose. It's performed for a variety of reasons, including a visible bump on the nasal bridge, a nasal tip that's droopy or enlarged, a nose that is off-center or crooked, or a previous injury that's made the nose asymmetrical.
